Replica Coins
Coin USA creates museum-quality replica coins that are visually and dimensionally accurate while respecting legal guidelines. Our team of experts offers customized coin replication services for historical pieces from any era or country. We make antique-styled coins from premium materials and strive to mint them to look and feel as similar to the originals as possible. Whether you’re a collector, a coin enthusiast, or want to add a unique payment option to your medieval market, Coin USA offers the perfect solution. Our knowledgeable team with an artistic eye for detail ensures the highest quality and accuracy of ready-made items. Learn more about our replica coin-making process through our coin gallery and articles. Order your own piece of history in just a few weeks with Coin USA.

Make your medieval festival one-of-a-kind with stunning event coins from Coin USA. Custom manufacturing, free artwork, and no minimum order quantity for coins. What Are Individual Event Coins Made for Medieval Festivals? For role players and other lovers of this…