Take a Close Look at Exquisite Movie Coins

Movie Coins: The Fusion of Imagery and Tangible Arts
Movie coins are used all the time in the moving images production of all genres. We receive a steady stream of requests for movie coins to be made for westerns, crime, sci-fi, and thriller movies. Discover a couple of examples. Eventually you would even like to see the corresponding films to the coins presented.
Movie Coins from Our Mint and Other Iconic Pieces
Coins and metal-made identification items have always played a major role in life in society. Thus, it is logical that they regularly appear whenever motion pictures address the pursuit of fortune, exchange of goods, and collectibles. This is where movie coins gain significance in a production.

Heart of Stone — Fantasy Movie Coins
One of our prettiest movie-related coins is the one minted for a remake of a classic German movie “Heart of Stone” or “Das Kalte Herz” in 2016. The original was produced in 1950 in former Eastern Germany and turned into a full success. The remake sought to revive this shine, including the fitting movie coins. To recreate the film and retell the story of Peter and Lisbeth, no expense or detail was spared. In lack of the required amount of movie coins, Peter’s fortune-yet-to-come depends on fairy creatures and shady merchants living in the forest. A captivating story.
“A Dog’s Purpose”, Another Popular Fantasy Movie Featuring Coins
The 2017 film “A Dog’s Purpose” features prop movie coins of a valuable collectible coin. The leitmotif of the narrative is the captivating relationship between Ethan and his dog Bailey. One of the episodes of the fantasy story includes special movie coins, very close to their real-life pedant collector’s coins. Ethan’s father owns a small but valuable coin collection, and Baily the dog swallows the most valuable of them, the 1907 St Gaudens Golden Eagle. To represent this real treasure, prop movie coins were minted for the production.
Honorable Movie Coins: The Mule in “Dear John”
To phrase it more clearly: Minting exact replicas of currency coins is illegal. Thus, for the 2010 movie “Dear John” a so called “mule” was minted: A combination of a US Jefferson five-cent nickel obverse and a US Lincoln one-cent reverse as customized movie coins. In the romance between John, an American soldier, and Savannah, a college student, his father, a passionate numismatist, plays a significant role and so does the mule. The coin is John’s talisman. Specialized in error coins from the US Mint, the custom-minted movie coins are a major game changer to the narrative.
Police and Army Coins and Their Replicas to be Used in Movies
Many props and documents have survived over time and can be used in modern film productions, though not all have made it through the test of time. Police records and artifacts generally belong to the latter of the two groups. Therefore, when producing ID items, known historic medals or currencies for movies, creative directors are often confronted with the problem that these items must look as original on the screen as possible (as is the same case with counterfeiters), but in real life these items should be easily recognizable as props.
X Films Creative Pool’s Movie Coins Made by Coin USA
“Run Lola Run!”, “Cloud Atlas”, and “Goodbye, Lenin” are among X Film Creative Pool’s most popular productions. We have minted a number of police artifacts for the studios’ projects.

Get Fully Customized Movie Coins Made for Your Project
To make scenes look as realistic as possible, moviemakers always strive to use props that are as close to the original as possible. Just as money in the real world, movie coins often play a decisive role in the logic of the narrative. At Coin USA, we are curious to learn about your production and are eager to start making the movie coins needed for your project. Use our Coin Configurator to submit a first version of your future movie coins‘ design or contact us in case you prefer to discuss your options first.
Disclaimer: Our products on this page are known as “Coins” in order to comply with general linguistic usage. It should be expressly pointed out that it concerns, however, individually embossed medals and no current or former means of payment/currency.