University Coins Help Keep the Sweetest Memories Alive

What Are Custom-Minted University Coins?
The tradition of presenting unique coins is common in places such as universities and colleges. They can be used to express gratitude during internal events as well as to honor alumni. Many educational institutions present custom-minted university coins to commemorate special events, anniversaries, and distinguished scholars. Our minting service will gladly mint exclusive university coins for you.

Highlight the Importance Of the Event with School Coins
An official graduation ceremony is an important event at universities. The production of custom-designed university coins or medals for such occasions matches the scale of the event and gives each graduate a unique souvenir for life. Great commemorative coins will perfectly highlight the importance of the holiday, event, and award from the college. In addition, a custom school coin with an individual design is an unforgettable token of attention to honor professors or welcome guest lecturers. Our coin gallery has many ideas and suggestions on how minting custom coins with your own design can meet your individual needs.
Do You Want to Get Your Own University Coins?
While premium quality college coins in gold, silver, or copper are a smart choice for the aforementioned events, a university can also pay special attention to its entire student body in any other circumstance. By presenting each student with expertly crafted, personalized university coins, educational institutions provide a lasting memento of student life as a keepsake.
With our Online Coin Configurator, colleges and universities can choose from a variety of materials and designs that complement school crests and faculty logos. Just contact us if you have any questions, and let yourself be inspired by the many high-class custom-minted coins you can find on our website!

Disclaimer: Our products on this page are known as “Coins” in order to comply with general linguistic usage. It should be expressly pointed out that it concerns, however, individually embossed medals and no current or former means of payment/currency.