Coin USA Reviews and Customer Stories
Discover the material, artistic, and symbolic value of custom coins made in our mint by learning more about projects we completed. Our customers share the stories that lie behind their custom coin runs and how our craftsmen made their ideas a tangible reality in the form of custom-minted coins. From military challenge coins, paying tribute to those who have served their country with honor and distinction, over recognition medals in the corporate world, to commemorative mementos for anniversaries, retirement, or other celebrations. Each story is unique and meaningful in its own way. All hereafter described bespoke coins we made with the greatest care and precision. Our team takes pride in capturing powerful moments in personalized coins for businesses, government agencies, private clients, and organizations.

Make your celebration last in the attendees' memories. Customized ceremony coins with unique designs, also called event coins, are your valuable ally. At Coin USA, we specialize in underlining how significant an event can be. We manufacture ceremony coins with…
Make Your Ceremony Coins Unique

Explore the story of the creation of individual diplomacy coins below. Coin USA is a professional coin maker offering quality services to its customers. Diplomatic relations between the two countries show mutual recognition of their sovereignty, and territories. They illustrate…
Diplomacy Coins: When Nations Stand Together

Get customized items made for your movie production! As a professional coin maker, we provide you with first-class advice and authentic movie coins. Movie Coins: The Fusion of Imagery and Tangible Arts Movie coins are used all the time in…
Take a Close Look at Exquisite Movie Coins

Heroes who played a key role in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic are awarded custom commemorative coins. Personalized Covid-19 coins with logos embossed on precious metals. Every hero's service should be honored. Especially if their service benefits the broad public. One…
Custom Covid-19 Coins for Crucial Workers of the Pandemic

High-quality custom coins serve as indelible gifts at celebrations of different natures. Custom-made commemorative coins from professional coin designers. Adding special meaning to a celebration can be done by offering commemorative gifts at the reception. Custom coins are one of…
Custom Coins Refine Your Celebrations

Award coins from combine highest quality precious metals and grand designs as a lavish way to honor participation in community service activities. The story of a special coinage project: The issue of ocean protection is more pressing than ever.…
Award Coins Are An Exquisite Recognition or Prize

Individualized Designs, such as your logo embossed in the best quality precious metals: Finest custom company coins by It's always a good idea to support the celebration of a milestone event with meaningful gifts like custom company coins. This…
Custom Company Coins to Mark a Milestone

Excellent Way to Express Gratitude for Excellent Service Perfectly custom-minted coins for the Army and Civil Service are a great way to express appreciation for service to the men and women in uniform. The custom-minted coins project for NATO was…
Custom-Minted Coins for NATO Officers

999 Silver Citroën Custom Commemorative Coins: Long-Held Dream’s Coronation Ideally minted custom commemorative coins made of 999 fine silver; individualized design with Citroën image embossed on coins for a project. Creating custom commemorative coins that depict a very special Citroën…
.999 Silver Citroën Custom Commemorative Coins

Custom-Minted Coins and More About Challenge Coins Learn about various kinds of custom-minted coins. From colorful challenge coins to classy precious metal anniversary coins, Coin USA manufactures them for you. There are a variety of custom-minted coins. One of their…
Custom-Minted Coins and More About Challenge Coins

Corporate event coins are inevitable if you're up to celebrating your company's anniversary. Order custom coins with creative designs at Coin USA. A thriving business that marks its longevity deserves respect and pride, at the very least. Celebrating your company's…
Corporate Event Coins for Celebrating a Company's Anniversary

Commemorate your school with custom coins from Coin USA and get remarkable college coins! Our team is looking forward to working on your exact project! College Coins for the University Citè Internationale Paris As a professional coin minting service, we…
Outstanding 3D College Coins from Coin USA

Take advantage of our floating coin frame with transparent, flexible silicon membranes. Present your medal to the world in the most prominent manner possible. What Is a Floating Coin Frame? “My coin should be visible on my desk or be…